EM / Mifare Proximity Cards

Product Desrciption


RFID proximity cards that is generally used to access controls, time attendance.. etc that needed to be verified card holder's ID environment. CHIYU offer different type of  EM, Mifare..etc proximity type cards, key tags, wrist bands ..etc to meet different user's needed.  

Thin Card
CARD106: Mifare+TM5557 thin card
CARD-00-MF1-00: IS-MF1, Mifare ISO 50 thin card
CARD-00-EM-00: EM 4102 thin card
CARD-00-TM-00: TM thin card
Thickness Card
CARD-01-EM-00: EM 4100 thickness card
CARD-01-TM-00: TM thickness card
Key Tag
CARD-02-EM-01: EM key tag
CARD-02-MF1-00: Mifare key tag IS 50, color: blue
CARD-02-TM-00: TM key tag, color: grey
Wrist Band
CARD-03-MF-00: Mifare wrist band, color: blue
CARD-03-TM-00: TM wrist band, color: blue
CARD-03-TM-01: TM wrist band, color: green

